Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Solomon's story

Solomon is about five years old. I say “about” because, as with many children in Liberia, no one bothered to keep a record of the day he was born. His mother died when he was a baby, and Solomon went to live with an elderly female relative who was unable to properly care for him. The situation took a turn for the worse when his caretaker’s vision deteriorated to the point of almost blindness. The day that Salome Gbaryou (director at Danny Feeney Memorial Orphanage) stumbled upon him, Solomon was crawling around on the dirt floor of the kitchen, dangerously close to the cooking fire. Salome rescued Solomon that day, and he now lives safely with the 36 other children at Salome’s home. 

Danny Feeney is just one of many orphanages that Orphan Relief and Rescue works with in Liberia and BeninWest Africa. We work tirelessly to be able to serve orphans like Solomon and help to give them another chance at life.

This Sunday, (November 6, 2011) is Orphan Sunday, a day set apart to remember the plight of orphans worldwide. In honor of this day, Orphan Relief and Rescue is having an Open House at our stateside office in BurienWA. If you are in the area, please stop by any time between 4 and 8 pm to meet our staff, share our vision, and, most importantly, hear more stories like Solomon’s. If you can not join us on Sunday, please remember us in your prayers and consider donating to the work Orphan Relief and Rescue is doing today.

The Orphan Relief and Rescue office is located at 1416 SW 151st StreetBurienWA; 98166. Call 206-453-3158 for questions or directions. 

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