Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Three years

Three years ago today I was having my Easter sunrise service at the airport, getting ready to take off for the great, unknown land of Liberia. I remember shaking my head as I boarded the plane-- wondering what in the world I was getting myself into? Even as I flew over the Atlantic and started the decent into this foreign land I did not believe that I would ever return. Twenty four hours later I knew I would.

When I first signed on with ORR it was for four months. Four became six, six became seven, day by day the time has stretched out into a lifetime of memories, friends, family, experiences, adventures, ups, and downs that I never saw coming. This crazy, ridiculous place has become home. 

I don’t know how much longer I’ll be stomping up and down these dirt streets, but I am grateful for every day that I have had and each day to come. Liberia changes you. It strips you down to the rawest, truest form of yourself. There have been times that I didn’t like the person that I saw looking back at me, but have realized that I am finding the real me-- the me that God intended me to be.

“He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” – these are Words that I constantly find myself coming back to. God started this journey in me and He is faithful to complete (perfect) it.

Three years!

Wonder where I’ll be in another three?

1 comment:

⌡uℨℨ Ѕαγїŋg said...

Life must be hard, God will reward you for what you do. Great work. Inspirational. God bless