Saturday, December 18, 2010

Provision (because I don't know another word to describe it)

I have been talking a lot about need lately. Today I want to talk about provision.

Nothing has really changed. Babies still have birth defects. Houses burn down. Parents have a hard time finding money to feed their children. I should still be overwhelmed with it all, but I am not. I was chatting with a friend the other day and he asked me what had changed. I didn't even have to think about it. Prayer. I know that people are praying for me, I can feel it. Along with that, I have been able to realize that as much as I may want to, I can not do it all. Even more, it is not my job to save them all. It is only my job to love them. My dad reminded me recently to find out what God is doing and join him it. It really takes the pressure off. God has provided me with peace and assurance that I don't have to do it all. And I don't cringe anymore when someone comes to my porch.

About a month ago I shared Oretha's story. God provided abundantly. More than enough money came in, but there is more. I was a bit uneasy about the hospital where Oretha was going to have her surgery. I kept praying about it, worrying about the care she would receive (or not receive) there. I had picked up the wire transfer and had no excuse not to tell her and her family about it, but for some reason I held back. I was praying about what to do. As far as I knew there was only one other hospital in the country that might be able to do the surgery, but it is very far away and really expensive. As I was talking with some friends about the situation, one said he had just been at another small hospital in town. While he was there he heard that they had doctors and nurses from the states here and were looking for people who needed specific surgeries-- including for goiters! First thing the next morning I went down to the clinic to check it out. It was true. Oretha went for an evaluation on Wednesday, she received a complete worked up, and is scheduled for surgery on MONDAY!

Please keep praying.

I know that God will keep providing.

1 comment:

vicki is searching said...

I am so happy that your spirit has lifted. Why is it that we can still be awed by God's power to provide! Love your Dad's thought also.