Thursday, September 24, 2015

like a river

mighty force flowing, unhindered
tearing apart dams, planks, stuck in hidden places
carving hope-filled canyons, 
quenching dry ground, craving more
filling holes left behind with cascading and healing balm
gently trickling, 
tickling memories long forgotten
powerfully falling, 
cutting through ancient stone heart
uncovering the rawest and most natural of created things
dislodging arrows that pierce deeply
stripped off dragon-skin, fleshy wounds exposed,
vulnerable soul caressed, made whole, 
smoothed into the image of Peace Himself that exists in Life-giving liquid

stand underneath the force of Truth
surrender to it
drown in it
breath in Life
lungs fill to overflowing
heart… bursting

be brave small one,

-debbie dezutter 

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