Monday, September 29, 2014


The news coming out of West Africa continues to be devastating. The number of deaths and projected deaths from ebola is climbing exponentially. The global response is increasing slightly, but the needs still outweigh the help that is being offered. 

Somehow though, through all the bad reports and discouraging information, I have noticed a shift inside myself-- a glimmer of hope has infiltrated my soul. Where it used to feel hopeless and too heavy to bear, it now feels ever-so-slightly lighter.

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful"
Hebrews 10:23

I read an article about a woman who cared for her entire ebola-stricken family by herself. She fashioned her own protective garments and loved several of her family members back to health. It is stories like these-- human beings overcoming the odds, survival and love-- that boost my hope and help me to believe there is an end to all of this ugliness. 
Dr Rick is ebola free and back home with his family!!
In the midst of the danger and craziness, my friend Marthalyn gave birth to a healthy baby boy. After being turned away from the hospital, Small Andrew was born in the middle of night on Ma Mary's porch. It was a scary night for all, but thank God it ended joyously! (I don't have a picture of baby Andrew yet, the above picture is of Small Ashley, born a year and a half ago.)
Please join with countless around the world to pray an end to this vicious epidemic.
Day 1. Pray that God would intervene to end the Ebola crisis. Also, pray that victims of the Ebola virus who are sick and dying will have access to the treatment they need. #praytoendebola

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